What is Hatha Yoga?


"Hatha Yoga" is a style of yoga that focuses on physical asanas (poses) and breathing techniques.
By practicing correct breathing techniques while holding the poses, the aim is to relax the mind and control and restore mental balance.
Most of the yoga styles that have been passed down to the present day are derived from Hatha Yoga, which is said to have originated between the 10th and 13th centuries.

Characteristics of Hatha Yoga

The word Hatha Yoga comes from the Sanskrit words "ha" (sun), "tha" (moon), and "yoga" (to join).

The aim is to connect and harmonize elements that exist in pairs, such as the sun and the moon, yang and yin, spirituality and vitality.

Hatha yoga has something in common with yoga in general in that it places importance on the "internal energy" woven by this yin and yang. Harmony is thought to be brought about by the powerful movement of "ha" and the calm of "ta," and by emphasizing "ki," the driving force of the mind and body, and controlling the two, "ha" (inhalation) and "ta" (exhalation), it is possible to harmonize opposing entities.

Hatha Yoga was also born from the idea that poses and breathing techniques are the driving force behind moving the mind and body, and it is believed that by focusing on poses and breathing techniques, one can increase concentration and awareness of one's inner self.

The effects and benefits of Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga can stabilize your mind, improve your concentration, and heighten your inner self-awareness through basic poses and breathing techniques. To achieve mental stability, it recommends deep abdominal breathing. Abdominal breathing has the effect of stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system when you exhale, which brings about a relaxing effect.

Hatha yoga focuses on one's own body and mind, and focuses on balancing the autonomic nervous system and preventing stress-related disorders. For this reason, it is said to be effective in relieving mental stress and depression. In addition, the poses use the whole body, including muscles that are not often used in daily life, so you can also expect to improve your body's flexibility.

A basic technique in Hatha Yoga poses is called bandha (=tightening).

Bandhas tighten the throat, abdomen, anus, etc., and the technique called Uddiyana (Uddiyana Bandha) tightens the abdomen (Uddiyana). It is expected to have an effect on physical changes such as improving your figure by normalizing the sympathetic nervous system and improving your posture, as well as helping you lose weight.

In this way, the poses and breathing techniques of Hatha Yoga can help balance the mind and body and build a healthy physique.

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