About Yoga and Life--


Yoga is a holistic body, mind and spirit training that can be practiced anywhere, anytime in your daily life. Below are some things related to yoga in life:

1. Sitting like a mountain: This is a basic sitting posture that helps you develop inner stability and concentration. It can be done in your life when you are riding a train, waiting in a queue, etc.

2. Yogic breathing: Many people are accustomed to shallow breathing, but deep breathing can help relax the body and mind and boost immunity. You can practice yogic breathing anytime in your life, at the office, or when you feel anxious.

3. Yoga Stretching: In daily life, we tend to overuse certain muscle groups, leaving others stiff and sore. By doing yoga stretching, you can relax your muscles, improve your body flexibility and adjust your body to the right state.

4. Rejuvenate: Practicing yoga in the morning or during your afternoon break can help you regain your physical and inner vitality, improving your work efficiency and quality of life.

5. This means that the benefits of yoga are not limited to just the time you practice, but can be applied to your life at any time.

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